Story: I got a massage with “happy ending” in London

Bespoke Sensual Massage find a interesting topic : <I got a massage with a “happy ending”- am I a bad person??> Here is the answer about the interesting question.

I love seeking out the London Asian massage parlors for my happy endings. My preference is a place that looks seedy with girls that look nervous. I’m pretty hairy and sweat a lot, so I love to pick out a girl who looks fresh off the boat. I’ll lay there and groan when they start rubbing my pelt. After a while I’ll roll over like a walrus in the sun, with my stubby erection pointing straight up. If they try to get away, Ill grab them by the wrist and pull them near, forcing their faces close to my foul smelling genitals…after I’m satisfied I will stiff hem on a tip and steal their passport on the way out…good times

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The Tantric Massage Salon

Tantric Massage in London

We specialise in the art of Tantric Massage, Sensual Massage and Erotic Massage our treatments are naturist massages (known as nude massages). We also offer many bespoke tailor made sessions and Tantric Massage Sensual Pamper Journeys.

Visit Tantric Massage London and experience luxurious pampering beyond your wildest dreams

Tantric Massage in London brings you the cutting edge of innovative therapies combined with the exotic ancient TANTRIC pleasure arts, nourishing the mind body and soul.
Executive Tantric and Sensual Massage London

Tantric Massage : Caviar, Champagne and Gold the luxurious erotic massage pamper journey for gentlemen: Basking your taste buds in deeply intense waves of pleasure with Champagne and Caviar with a beautiful Goddess to caress, worship and adore every inch of your being with sensual tantric massage …

Chocolate Sensual Massage: Melt into the ultimate luxury with natures aphrodisiac, Erotic Massage with chocolate oil, experience your beautiful goddesses body sliding and gliding together with yours into sensual heaven.

Mutual Erotic massage: An intense journey of mutual pleasure, your massage therapist will massage you in different positions you will reciprocate these motions allowing a journey of mutual erotic massage pleasure. .

Tantric Massage: Body Worship Massage: An innovative powerfully provocative experience indulging and awakening all your senses, using erotic techniques such as butterfly kisses all over your body, breath, feathers, body to body.. raising your pleasure endorphins of the scale, cleansing and balancing your mind body and soul. Tantric Massage is a beautiful way to become more present in your body to re discover all the magical pleasures it can bring you… Tantric Massage is a journey, not a template of motions, it is a journey through the senses in which your body will become alive, your experience will be completely unique, a beautiful sensual journey of ecstasy encompassing all forceps of your being.

We also offer an Outcall Visiting Massage Service. PLEASE SEE ‘SCHEDULES’ for Visiting Masseuses.

Sensual Massage London

Tantric Massage Central London: A full body Naturist massage (Nude Massage), slow, intimate and very sensual, using scented or non scented oils to help glide around the body and sensually stimulating all areas of the body from top to tail.
Indulge yourself in a paragon of ecstasy as your beautiful Massage Therapists body glides slowly and delicately against your own body moulding and exploring every curve. Sensual massage London offers a unique journey into sensuality, sensuality as an experience, each treatment is performed by a highly skilled beautiful masseuse in tune with your body and your needs. Call now a book for undoubtedly the best Sensual Massage experience in London

Healing Tantric Massage: A full body Naturist Swedish massage ending in Chakra balancing, the focus on harmonizing and balancing the body’s natural energies. Healing tantric massage heals the mind, body and rejuvenates your main energy centres leaving you fresh and focused and invigorated.

Erotic Tantric Massage: A full body Naturist Erotic Massage, body to body, tantric erotic techniques used to heighten pleasure, aimed at building and embracing the body’s natural arousal energies. Erotic massage is only just now being recognised for its health benefits, in this modern age, once frowned on by the masses it is now well documented that raising sexual energy improves and lengthens your life. Erotic massage London brings to you Erotic massages put together from their experience and innovative proven techniques, entwining modern massage techniques with tantra and therapists highly skilled in the sacred erotic arts. Erotic Massage in London, live the dream.

Tantric Rituals

Tantric Massage combined with a ‘Bathing Ritual’ – This is a beautiful pampering experience if you wish to spoil yourself ‘cause your worth it’… you are invited to join us straight from the office!!! you will be lead in by your therapist, she will slowly undress you …..

Pamper Packages – Perfect for the stressed business man, entertaining corporate clients, a busy mum to escape, or simply treat yourself for your own pleasure.Massage Spa
Simply click on Tantra for Men, Tantra for Women or Tantra for Couples.

We welcome Females to come along and learn the re discover their Sexuality, Goddess Empowerment or simply enjoy a Tantric Massage or Tantric Pamper Journey.

Tantra for couplesWe welcome Females to come along and learn the re discover their Sexuality, Goddess Empowerment or simply enjoy a Tantric Massage or Tantric Pamper Journey.

We also invite Males to come and learn the sacred Taoist Art forms of enhancing and learning to be better lovers. Private tuition available on how to perform beautiful Tantric Massages and Yoni Massages on their lucky partners

We offer unique and hands on sessions, we teach Tantra to couples the stuff they really want to know in a down to earth and hands on way. We teach you how to realistically incorporate tantra and tantric massage arts into your lives. This will change your relationship forever; you will discover new depths of love and connection, in a beautiful way that will be a life journey for you.
Our Couples Tantra sessions run from bespoke ‘one-to-one sessions’ through to a ‘levels one-five’ course all with highly skilled experienced independent tantric practitioners.
Tantric Massage London, Learn the art of sacred Tantric Loving

Tantric Massage in London, London Tantric Salon
UK Head Office
International Institute of Tantra
Part of a Global Movement

Tantra and Tantric Massage in London

Tantra is an Ancient Indian Philosophy, it celebrates the Devine magic, that electric current generated between male and female that creates life, Tantra embraces all of our very existence, our minds, physical body (all of it) and our Energy bodies.

Couples TantraThere are many practical ways Tantra, the Tantric Practises can be incorporated into our lives today, Tantra creates communication in our relationships, deepens our love connection, improves our sex life’s, all of these factors are crucial to our happiness. If single, Tantric practises prepare you for the meeting of our soul mate, the practises fill you with inner love, confidence and happiness.

Tantric Massage London

At the London Tantric Salon, (tantric massage in London), we do may custom made sessions for individuals of all walks of life, the treatments we offer on this website are a guidance, Tantra has no bounds.

Tantric Massage London is offers Sensual Massage, Erotic Massage, Naturist Massage, Nude Massage, and a variety of pamper journeys.

Tantric Massage London is an advertising agent for self employed holistic therapists. Each treatment is defined by the massage therapist. Each therapist is paid for holistic Massage, they do not offer sexual services of any kind, they offer only holistic therapies. This website is a guide and offers information on tantra for your entertainment. Any situations occurring outside holistic massage are a private matter between 2 consenting adults of legal age and is not contracted for or subject to any financial compensation and lies beyond the scope of the liability of the London tantric Massage Salon.