
4 different Massage

  • Relaxation Includes Swedish, Full-body, Fluff-n-buff, etc.
  • Corrective Includes Deep Tissue, Clinical, Medical, Orthopedic, etc.
  • Conditioning Includes Sports Massage, Resistance Stretching, etc.
  • Energetic Includes Shiatsu, Reiki, etc.

The intention of a relaxation massage is to calm the mind, soothe the nerves, and physically relax the entire body. This type of massage could also be referred to as “full-body,” “Swedish,” or “fluff ‘n buff.” Though I could talk at length about the accuracy of using those terms, I will take that up another time. If you are looking for a relaxation massage therapist, those are the “code” words to look for.

“Corrective” massage has the intention of correcting a malfunction in the soft tissue that is causing pain or restriction of motion. For example: a knot, an adhesion, tendinitis, frozen shoulder, and many many many more examples. This is the kind of massage that I specialize in. “Code” words to look for include “deep tissue,” “sports,” “clinical,” “orthopedic,” or “medical” massage. The pressure usually is very deep, but not always. The treatment session will not be a “full body” experience. This is the kind of massage that you want if you have a persistent knot, chronic pain, or want lasting relief from tension.

“Conditioning” Massage is one that seeks to improve the texture, flexibility, and strength of healthy soft tissue with the overall goal of enhancing performance and endurance.

“Energetic” massage is intended to affect more than just the physical structures of the body. Examples include: Shiatsu and Reiki. Some forms of energy work involve no touch at all. Two examples are “Healing Touch” (Why is it called Healing TOUCH when there is no touching? I don’t know! Don’t get me started!) and medical Qi Gong. In the healing community, these forms fall under the heading of “bodywork” and not “massage.” However, if you intend to practice one of these modalities, your local government may still require that you have a massage license.