What does London Sensual Massage involve?
Though the word ‘Sensual’ may immediately mark this form of massage as slightly taboo, Sensual massage is actually widely recognized for the variety of benefits – including physical, sexual and emotional – recipients experience. Though some may disregard this notion and maintain that Sensual massage is nothing more than an excuse for more socially-acceptable paid sexual contact, Sensual massage has actually been practiced for hundreds of years since its beginnings as a medical treatment.
During the seventeenth century, a condition termed ‘female hysteria’ led to the creation of the medical technique referred to as ‘pelvic massage’. It is quite amusing to consider that female hysteria was once considered a legitimate medical condition, and indeed that the provision of a treatment that can only be described as an extremely intimate massage was considered non-sexual. The facts that the goal of the treatment was to lead the woman to experience a series of convulsions and that the condition was most common in widows and other single women did not seem to click in the minds of the medical professionals that dedicated hours to administering this treatment to affected women.
It was the conviction that female hysteria was a genuin
e condition and the only treatment option was pelvic massage that led to the invention of a home remedy – the vibrator. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the vibrator was commonly advertised and a main-stay in many homes. In fact, it was even present in many homes before now-common electrical appliances such as the vacuum cleaner. It is probably due to the existence of the vibrator that Sensual massage is a service less commonly sought by women than by men.
Sensual massage today is more openly acknowledged as what it is intended for – to provide pleasure or as a treatment for any number of physical, emotional or sexual ailments. Sensual massage, especially a branch known as Tantric massage, is noted in particular as a sexual therapy.
There are many benefits of having regular sensual massage:
• Decreased blood pressure.
• Reacting positively to sexual stimulation.
• Increased self-confidence and esteem.
• Lessened anxiety and depression.
• Ability to prolong arousal and control premature ejaculation.
• Increased sex drive.
So what does a Sensual massage involve? Exactly what takes place will depend on the form of Sensual massage you choose, but as a general rule, your Sensual massage therapist will stimulate various erogenous zones with the goal of treatment, pleasure or both. Sexual release may occur as part of a Sensual massage, but it is far from being the only goal and your therapist will ensure this does not happen too soon.
Sensual Massage by Bespoke London Fun
Now that you are a little more familiar with Sensual massage, it is time you experienced it. With so many Sensual massage options in London, you have nothing but choice. Our massage therapist page lists a number of sensual massage therapists in London, all with unique specialities and qualities that ensure there is a masseuse perfect for you. To experience your first Sensual massage in London, browse our website of skilled sensual massage therapists, book your appointment and enjoy!